Together, we can preserve and restore this historic site.
The Friends of Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters (OHRH) was created to provide assistance to the Town of Greenburgh in its efforts to preserve and restore the National Register Property, Odell House, located at 425 Ridge Road, Hartsdale, New York.
The Town of Greenburgh was the recipient of a $600,000 matching grant from NY State in 2019. That money has already funded the shoring and stabilization of the house and the contract for the architect is signed and design underway. We are working with the Town to raise funds for work not covered by the grants such as exterior landscaping and exhibit design. We want to educate present and future generations about the critical role this house played in our nation’s successful struggle for freedom during the Revolutionary War.
Count de Rochambeau by Charles Willson Peale, circa 1782
OHRH, built in 1732, served as the headquarters for the Comte de Rochambeau and his French Forces from July 6, 1781 to August 18, 1781. During that time, General George Washington and the Continental Army camped nearby in Ardsley. The two generals met and spent weeks traveling through Westchester and the Bronx to acquire intelligence about British Army and Navy strength in Manhattan. Washington had felt from the beginning of the war that defeating the British in New York would mean winning. However, after receiving word from French Admiral de Grasse on August 14th that his fleet would not come as far north as New York but could meet them in Virginia, the generals made the crucial decision not to engage the British in New York, a battle that they likely would have lost without a naval presence. Instead the two forces of over 7,000 soldiers crossed the Hudson River at night and marched their combined armies to Yorktown, Virginia where they defeated Lord Cornwallis and won the war.
The restoration of the house has begun.
Not only is OHRH one of the most important sites of revolutionary history in Westchester County, it is also a rare example of an 18th-century farmhouse that remains with its original details intact. While its significance lies in its association with the early settlement of Hartsdale, its history spans centuries as it was occupied by one family, the Odells, until the late 20th century.
Once preserved and protected it will be a place to educate Americans about the role Westchester played in the history of our country, about the Revolutionary War and the important alliance with France. Future generations will be able to see the lives our forebearers lived and appreciate the sacrifices made to create the Country we enjoy today.
The Friends of Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters is a registered NY State non-profit charitable corporation and has full IRS tax exempt 501c3 status. All donations are tax deductible.