Mission Statement
Our Mission is to provide assistance to the Town of Greenburgh in its efforts to preserve the Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters (OHRH) and to open it to the public as a museum. We will obtain funding and resources to educate present and future generations about the critical role this house played in our nation’s successful struggle for freedom in the Revolutionary War. In addition, we will tell the many stories of all the people connected to the house during its almost 300 years of history.
Built in 1732, OHRH served as the headquarters of the Count de Rochambeau from July 6, 1781 to August 18th, 1781. During that time Rochambeau met with George Washington while their two forces were camped in the hills of Greenburgh. They surveyed the British forces in Manhattan, determined to launch a battle to retake the island. But, in this house, on August 14, 1781, they had to make the crucial decision that they could not win against the British but should march to Virginia where the French navy would help. They moved 7,000 men across the Hudson River in secret, defeated Cornwallis and won the war.
OHRH is on the National Register of Historic Properties and is part of the National Park Service Trail, Washington Rochambeau Revolutionary Route (WARO). The Town has successfully prevented its collapse and is working towards full restoration. The Friends will continue to provide fundraising assistance and help the Town research and exhibit all the many important stories that Odell House contains. Once preserved and protected it will become a museum to educate Americans about the role Westchester played in the Revolutionary war and the important alliance between France and the United States. The Museum will educate the public about life in Westchester County from Colonial times through the 19th and 20th centuries. All the stories of Native Americans, African Americans and women and children will be included. The Friends of OHRH are researching and creating those exhibits now.
We are working not only to preserve history but to foster a shared pride in this history that will weave together all the people of our diverse community.
The Friends of Odell House Rochambeau Headquarters is a registered NY State non-profit charitable corporation and has full IRS tax exempt 501c3 status. All donations are tax deductible.