Recent News & Events
The Friends rented a second storage unit at Westy’s and with the help of Greenburgh DPW completed another move of contents on April 23rd. The first floor of the house is now empty of all antiques and artifacts and the second floor contents are boxed and organized. The second floor cannot be accessed until the shoring of the first floor is completed, but all items are safe. Here is a photo of a mid-19th century clock found on the floor of the 1785 section of the house and now moved to safety!
The Friends voted to hire a professional grant writer at our March Board meeting. Janet Lee Burnet is assisting us already to seek new opportunities for funds going forward. Two applications have already been submitted that could pay for the completion of a landscape design plan for the grounds and a second for the creation of an exhibit, virtual and physical, on the events of 1781. This exhibit will be used for grades 4-12 and be made available to all school districts in Westchester.
Susan Seal (left) and Mary Jane Shimsky
On May 23rd, Susan Seal was presented with the Sy Schulman Award by the Westchester County Historical Society. This award is given annually to an individual or organization that has demonstrated a strong commitment to historical research, historic preservation, and/or the teaching of local history and has, as a result, elevated the public’s appreciation of the history of Westchester County. In addition to the award, the County Executive, George Latimer, and our County Legislator, Mary Jane Shimsky, gave our President a proclamation designating May 26th Susan Seal Day in Westchester County. If you drive by the County Center in White Plains on the 26th, you will see the day announced on the Jumbotron!
The shoring work continues at OHRH. After consultation with Steve Tilly, Architect, the shoring company, Abbott and Price, decided to create cement piers underneath the floor of the 1855 section of the house. This will support horizontal beams that will, in turn, support the flooring. All finished flooring will be appropriate to the era, but this hidden work will ensure the structure’s safety as a public building.
Finally, the Friends have formed a committee to begin researching the history of African and Native Americans in Greenburgh from the pre-Revolutionary War to the Civil War. County Legislator Mary Jane Shimsky, Town Board member Ken Jones, and Town Clerk Judith Beville have agreed to participate already. They will be joined by historians already working with the Friends to assure that the story of Odell includes all members of our community. We hope to publish a preliminary report by the end of 2021.